Women’s Mental Health: Prioritizing Self-Care as a Path to Empowerment

Sep 25, 2024

The stressors of life can mount up and get to all of us occasionally but when it becomes something that either overwhelms or affects your quality of living it might be time to explore ways to take charge back of your well-being. 

Statistically, women are almost twice as likely as men to suffer from depression. There are many reasons depression affects women more, including physical and psychological factors. Women are also diagnosed with more mental illnesses than men. Though these statistics may be concerning, they serve as a reminder that as women it is important to prioritize self-care.

Breaking the Stigma of “Selfish” Self-Care

Society still has some stigmas surrounding women’s roles in society and their responsibilities to home, family, and work. These perceptions can lead women to place the needs of others above their own, even at the expense of their own well-being or mental health.

Caring for others selflessly is admirable – and often natural for mothers – but it can lead to burnout quickly. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Women need to be energized and renewed to give of themselves to others without a toll on their physical and mental health.

If they don’t take that time for themselves, it can lead to low energy, patience, and mental clarity. Eventually, important responsibilities can get lost in the shuffle.

Self-care is a crucial practice, and it’s anything but selfish. It’s taking the time you need to recover and heal from internal and external triggers, stressors, and challenges, allowing you to function at your best.

The idea of self-care isn’t intended to make you feel as though you’re better or more important than those around you, or a suggestion to neglect your important responsibilities or ignore the important people in your life. Self-care is accountability, allowing you to take the time you need to rest your mind and body to continue giving your best to everyone around you.Types of Self-Care

Self-care can be different things to different people. What works for some women may not for others. Ultimately, self-care is about taking the time to understand what you need and prioritize the techniques that make you feel rejuvenated and restored.

While your self-care routine is unique to you, here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Physical: Your body needs rest and relaxation to perform. Self-care routines that support physical rest include taking care of your body with exercise and healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and listening to your body when you’re pushing it too hard.
  • Mental: The mind is a powerful tool that can have a positive or negative effect on your well-being. Meditation, mindfulness, and challenging intrusive or negative thoughts can help you improve your mental clarity and avoid a negative spiral.
  • Emotional: Emotional states differ among individuals and are shaped by different experiences in life. When you’re spread too thin, you may struggle to regulate your emotions and create appropriate boundaries. Some self-care routines in this category include attending therapy, journaling, or practising healthy boundary setting.
  • Social: Humans are social creatures. It’s ingrained in our DNA to build meaningful relationships and connections with family and friends. Part of your self-care can be spending quality time with family, scheduling lunches with friends, and enjoying a night out or event with work colleagues.
  • Spiritual: Spirituality can be an important part of people’s lives, including women. Strengthening spirituality, or exploring your spirituality if you haven’t, can be another form of self-care.

Practical Tips for Making Self-Care a Priority

There are many different ways women can practice self-care. Whatever you choose, an important part is establishing a routine and staying consistent with your practices. Here are some tips to make your self-care a priority:

Start with Small Steps

Self-care is an investment of time, and possibly money, but it doesn’t need to take away from your other responsibilities. Just five or 10 minutes a day of self-care can have lasting positive effects.

Stick to a Schedule

If you want meaningful results from your self-care routine, you need to make it a ritual of sorts. Be consistent with your self-care practices and treat them like any other responsibility, such as dropping the kids off at school, making dinner for your family, or showing up to scheduled appointments.

If you need to, block off time on your calendar to focus your efforts on the self-care activities you’ve chosen. This can help you track how consistent you’re being and stick with your schedule.

Reframe Your Mindset

Self-care shouldn’t be considered something that you only do when you’re feeling overwhelmed or burned out and need “repair.” Self-care is as vital to your health and well-being as eating or sleeping. This isn’t an optional activity that you only get to do if you’ve completed all your chores for the day.

If you’re used to doing for others and pushing your needs aside, practicing self-care can require a shift in your mindset. Remind yourself that this isn’t just for you, but a way to ensure that you’re able to stay in good health and continue to be there for the important people and things in your life.

Ask for Help

The concept of self-care may seem like a DIY exercise, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ask for a helping hand sometimes. Other people may be part of your self-care routine, so don’t be afraid to get support when you need it.

For example, you may need your spouse to help out with the kids so you can attend therapy sessions or go to the gym. Your friends may be part of your self-care routine with lunch dates or other activities. Asking for help should be encouraged, not avoided.

Empower Your Body and Mind Through Self-Care

Self-care repairs your mind and body. It’s not a one-time activity or a solution when you reach dangerous burnout levels. Self-care is as necessary as the food you eat and the air you breathe, so prioritize it to live a balanced life and reap the benefits to your health and well-being. 

Author Name: Dr. Hannah Yang

Author Bio:

Visionary and healthcare entrepreneur by passion and licensed Psychologist by training, Dr. Hannah Yang loves creating new possibilities in the world of mental health and wellness. Dr. Yang established Balanced Awakening in 2015 as a niche psychotherapy practice for women. As Balanced Awakening flourishes in Chicago, and soon Miami, she also loves to tap into her passion for design and Feng Shui to create fabulous environments for herself, her team, and clients.

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